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Dorus is about my uncle Dorus, he has worked for years as a rubble cleaner and has also been debris cleaner at the Bijlmer disaster in 1992. A few years later Dorus ended up in a coma and since he came out of this he has 'Herpes Simplex' and he remembers nothing more from the past. Herpes simplex is actually the disease 'Herpes' but then he got it in his brain.
He got this under the hatchet because he already had debris cleared, before the news came about the toxins.

Because of this, he does not remember anything, and he does not know anything from the past.
Over the years, he has managed to remember some things through stories from others.
He no longer recognized his own wife, and she had to experience this through difficult last years before she died. Dorus lives in a healthcare institution, and is alone. He likes to write jokes and also tells them a number of times because he does not remember this.

Through lists he remembers himself the things he has to do.

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